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Time to Check Your Social Profiles

I’m guessing it’s been a while since you’ve reviewed some of your online listings and social profiles. One thing to remember is that unless you have a fairly major website, your social networking profiles may be the first thing that comes up on Google searches, so you are well-served to review them to make sure they are accurately portraying you and the work you do.

I think it's helpful to start thinking of each of your social media profiles and other online listings as individual landing pages for you and your brand.

It may turn out to be the first encounter that someone is going to have with your brand, so you want to make sure that the visitor gets a first impression that makes her interested to know more about you.

Here is a list of things you can consider in order to create your successful social media profiles.

1: Your username and URL

Usually, on social networks, your username is included in your URL, and it’s often different from your display name. Often, the platform doesn’t allow you to change your username, so you’ll want to choose it carefully.

Whenever possible, try to keep your username the same across platforms.

2: Your profile photo

I get this question a lot…. Should you go with a logo or a personal picture?

Well, if it’s for a personal account, of course, you should always go with a headshot.But for your business? I suppose that really depends on your goals. If you run a smaller operation or are the face of your company, include a headshot of you.

It’s a really good idea to stick with the same (or similar) photo across your various social networks. That way you’re easier to recognize on different platforms.

3: Your link

This factor varies from one social media network to the next, but be sure to try to find any opportunity to get your link on the main page of your social profile. You’ll want your link easily viewed so that people can find it quickly and click through to your website.(or to your lead generator)

4: Your bio

You usually have limited space for your social profile- maybe only a sentence or two about yourself or your business.  Work on your “One-Liner” to make sure your visitors know about the problems you solve and for whom. Use keywords wherever possible.

On some platforms, such as LinkedIn, you have lots of space to add more info. Now, you can add more than just a simple description of what you’ve done and your current projects. Consider creating a story or sharing case studies. As always, include a call to action.

5: Your interests

Don’t skip over this option.  If a profile allows you to share extended information about yourself (favorite books, television shows, hobbies, music, etc) - Do so.

These areas are a convenient place to get some great value and connections.You’ll add credibility and a new level of connection you can build with people who are learning about you for the first time.

6: Your background or cover image

Each of the platforms seems to have different requirements, but most have some way to add a larger image behind your main profile page.

Spend some time to create your customized background. It will allow you to share additional information and give personality to you and your brand.

Keep it simple. Don’t let it distract from your profile, but do consider that your cover image can go a long way to help personalize your social page.

7: Your privacy settings

Once you’ve completed your profile, you’ll want to double-check the privacy settings.

These are different for each network, but you do want to make sure that the information you would like to be public is actually viewable.

8: Your activity

Once your profile setup is all set up, you’re going to need a plan to consistently maintain a healthy level of activity on your main social networks.

Yikes….Do NOT leave a profile blank! You need to be active within the platform and build connections. No matter which social network you’ve decided to use, the basic guidelines will apply. Connect with friends and followers by asking questions and responding to comments. Provide value by posting interesting ideas, sharing valuable content, and connecting with communities. 

When you join any groups, become an active participant—be helpful, connect with others in the group, and share things the group will find interesting. (Don’t just show up when you have something to sell)

9: Your promotion

A little healthy promotion of your social network profiles to help more people find and connect with you can work wonders.

Add your social networking profile links to your website, email signature, and business card.

Don’t forget to interlink your profiles to each other. Many networks have places to include links to other networks, and you can and should use them whenever possible.


Take some time to review your accounts.

How can your profiles be improved?
New headshot? New tagline? More exciting image? Add a video?

As I mentioned, your social profile may be the first impression people see. Invest the time and energy to improve ….make it compelling and interesting.

Schedule a discovery call with me today. 


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