Jennifer welcomed me into her beautiful home. I was greeted by her sweet cat as I walked by the oversized cobalt blue planters overflowing with the lush growth of early summer. We caught up on what our kids are all up to, what plans we had for the rest of the summer, and the new and exciting happenings at the SheBreathes Balance and Wellness Collaborative.
Then - we took the stairway to the lower level. I took a moment to marvel at all of the incredible music and celebrity memorabilia that she and her husband, David (Global Note), have collected over the years. Then, after a quick hug and hello from David, Jennifer and I entered the sound-engineered podcast studio, got settled with our headsets, and jumped in.
Well, Jennifer and I have known each other for over 6 years and it seems we never, ever, get the quiet time to simply talk one-to-one....there's always so much bustle going on in the WeBreathe Wellness space - so many things to pull our attention away from the deep conversations we both crave.
But, this day was different. It was Jenn and me - alone (well, almost alone - David was out there in the control room with the switches and lights and stuff that make the recording studio do its magic.)
Once we got caught up on the more personal stuff, David hit the 'record' switch and what you will listen to here is the rest of our conversation as it relates to High Vibes and Grateful Hearts.
Some of the juicy nuggets:
My Why:
I've chosen to attract and support transformation creators - coaches, consultants, and visionaries - to be able to spread the important work they do. My mission is to offer my skills, my broad experience, my analytical brain, and my love of tech to the people who are out there working to make other people's lives better. My clients have the ability to make other people's lives healthier, improve their relationships, to help businesses grow. If I can support the people who are doing that work, then that is what brings me joy - allows me to feel that I am contributing to the ripple effect of how their work improves our world. And I get to have so much fun doing it because I love pushing the buttons and making the things happen.
My What:
If people don't know about you, there's simply no way for you to get more clients.
What I'm finding is with the people that I just mentioned, transformation creators, (often they are energy healers, lightworkers, coaches, teachers) have a difference to make and they want to stay in that zone. Often they feel that digital marketing just doesn't feel right with them. The way that I guide the people that I work with is to guide them to find joy in something that they're doing and sharing. We explore what it's like to be able to show up in generosity. When you do that, when you feel like everything you share feels like generosity, like giving - when you feel like every email is talking to somebody in particular who has a problem, you can shift your mindset and 'show up' with consistency.
You find the ease and flow to grow your business by attracting more aligned clients. Marketing is really just a vehicle for letting people know the work that you do.
How Does Digital Marketing Work?
I want you to picture your website as the hub of a wheel. The spokes of the wheel are all of the other things that you're doing. You're networking. You're doing podcasts. You're either a guest or you're making your own. You're doing social media posts. You're sending out emails. You are doing really nice things and sending out gifts. You're seeing people in person.
All the things that you do, as I mentioned before, marketing is showing up. All the things that you do to show up, need to drive back to the website or back to something that can attract and engage visitors. You want to align with them so they learn more about you. They can see that you have the info and experience so that they convert into people who are going to talk about you, who are going to advocate for you, who are going to amplify for you, and who love you. Eventually, they're going to learn enough to know that YOU are the person they need to hire or refer.
What's missing for too many people is that you do all those things, and you're hoping people will call you. You hope people will sign up. That's a big ask. They go to your website, they get distracted and they bounce and that's it. Right. It's so important to have a list growth strategy. And the easiest way to do that is to give, give, give.
You're answering a question.
You're solving a little problem, whatever it is - you're giving.
It might be a free meditation.
A lot of people offer downloadable PDFs.
Some folks offer quizzes.
People do little mini-courses.
Whatever you can give to get people to give you their email address. Because, once you have their email address, you get to love them up, just love them up. They identified they have a problem. So now they're going to be looking forward to getting your solutions. Just keep giving it to them.
Here are the main points:
1: If you are a transformation creator (Coaches and Consultants - that'd be YOU), then it is your obligation to SHOW UP for those who will be helped by you. SHOWING UP = MARKETING.
2: Find what brings you joy to share with the world. DO MORE JOY. Be consistent. Be generous. Be you.
3: Your list growth strategy will be your #1 tool to be able to continue to serve your aligned audience.
Here's what Liana Cassar, Care Economy Strategy & Operations Consultant, had to say about her experience working with me on her digital marketing strategy and implementation:
"When you're an entrepreneur, starting your venture, you're trying desperately to scale up your little business. Nobody offers you nurturing. Right? And so what Susan does is to deeply listen to you and what you're trying to do. She asks incredibly insightful questions and then matches you to a solution. Then, you can move forward with confidence and ease."
Start growing your business by getting more clients.
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