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Generous Listening

networking Feb 04, 2021

Are you listening?
Are you deeply curious about what your clients are thinking about?
What questions do they have?
What struggles are they experiencing?
Where are they getting stuck?
How do they feel?
What do they celebrate?
What do they need to know about you?
Active, Curious, Listening.
It's a theme that's been coming up over the last couple of weeks
In last week's 3-day email boost, one of the challenge days was dedicated to making an extensive list of frequently asked questions.
My Rise Above Noise guest, Susan MacConnell talked about the wildly powerful aspect of asking genuinely curious questions on LinkedIn to cut through to a deeper conversation when connecting with prospects or referral partners.
Then, this week, Allan Langer and I talked about using this curiosity in the sales actually take the 'ick' out of create an environment of showing up to be in service.
More thoughts from our community members:
"We all want to be heard, seen, understood. Curiosity and active listening create a profound connection to the other and our own humanity."  - Liz Solar
When you are naturally curious you ask good questions that foster a response that you listen to because the questions you ask are about them not you! It shows the person you actually care about and want to help them." - Susan MacConnell
I am curious.....what do you struggle with in your email marketing?
What frustrates you?
If you had a magic wand - what would your email marketing look like?

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