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Build Your Business Around Your Dream Life :: Mahnaz Sharif

productivity systems video Nov 30, 2022

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It is more important now - more than ever, to grow a business around your dream life - not the other way around.

You will often hear me talk about time and energy as our only true currency in our business lives....So, that's why this discussion with Mahnaz rang so true for me. 

In this Rise Above Noise spotlight, we discuss:

~ Respecting our time and energy

~ Creating a sustainable business model

~ Utilizing your daily schedule

~ Creating aligned support

Mahnaz points out that by creating and keeping to a  Daily Schedule you keep it manageable.

The  POWER of the Daily is in Mastering Your Minutes

She tells us that  the goal is to build a business as a sustainable model that YOU as the SoloPreneur can manage

And - that it’s ever so important to find our aligned support - the people around you can be the difference between mediocre and Ah-maZing! 



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Mahnaz Sharif: Xcel with Mahnaz

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