Don't hate me.... but, it's true.
Can you feel it? A slight change in the air. A crispness that you don’t remember being there a few days ago. Or maybe a shift in smells and sounds around you?
It’s true. Autumn is coming. The first day of fall is September 22nd and it’s time to start talking about the holidays. Okay, maybe not all of the holidays — that’s for a different post. For now, let’s just talk about some September holidays and newsletter ideas.
Take time to connect with your audience by offering them ways they can improve their life. You can also create a survey to find out ways you can improve your own services to your customers.
HOW: Add a Survey to your email so you can invite engagement and energy.
Celebrate the upcoming fall season by sharing your blog of seasonal tips for activities to do outside, recipes for your favorite fall treats, or local festivities to truly embrace this wonderful time of year.
How: Add a "Read More" action block
This is a great month to:
Chances are, many of your readers are working parents. So, use a section of your newsletter to:
5 International Day of Charity
6 National Fight Procrastination Day
12 National Day of Encouragement
13 Positive Thinking Day
19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day
21 World Gratitude Day
29 National Coffee Day
30. National Love People Day
Be Kind To Editors & Writers Month
National Breakfast Month
International Self-Awareness Month
Self Improvement Month
Healthy Aging Month
Women's Friendship Month
72% people prefer to receive promotional content through email, compared to 17% who prefer social media
[Source: MarketingSherpa]
The National Retail Federation (NRF) reports that “each year about 40 percent of consumers begin their holiday shopping before Halloween.”
[Source: National Retail Federation]
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