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November Marketing and Holiday Planning

Ah, November.

Summer feels like a pleasant memory.

Just when fall has just begun, we start to get those winter and holiday pokes and prods — Anxiety sets in as we think about the 'things' we need to do to make sure we make the most of the winter months to grow our business. 

As you know, spending and donations increase significantly during the holiday season, presenting huge opportunities for small businesses and nonprofits. 

You may already know that it takes at least 6 - 8 touches before a prospect takes action with you.  Let's get you growing by nurturing your relationships with your potential and your existing clients. 

To help maximize your results during the holiday season, you can start engaging with your audience through email marketing TODAY!

Here are some content ideas for the coming month.


November Awareness Themes

    • Lung Cancer Awareness Month
    • National Entrepreneurship Month
    • National Adoption Awareness Month
    • National Gratitude Month
    • Child Safety Protection Month
    • Novel Writing Month
    • Native American Heritage Month
    • Sleep Comfort Month
    • World Vegan Month

Other fun holidays and celebrations:

    • Nov. 1 - All Saint's Day
    • Nov. 3 - World Vegan Day
    • Nov. 5 - Book Lovers Day
    • Nov. 6 - Daylight Savings
    • Nov. 6 - U.S. General Election
    • Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day
    • Nov. 13 - World Kindness Day
    • Nov. 18 - Use Less Stuff Day
    • Nov. 24 - Thanksgiving
    • Nov. 25 - Black Friday
    • Nov. 28 - Cyber Monday
    • Nov. 30 - Mason Jar Day


More thoughts about November marketing:

1: THANKS GIVING Newsletters

It’s not enough to just say “thanks.” To be meaningful, your “thank you” has to be genuine and thoughtful.

Let your customers know that when you say “thank you,” you mean it. 

  • Be genuine. If you had a great year, tell them how they helped make it great. And, if you’ve had a tough year, tell them what hurdles or struggles you had to overcome and thank them for sticking with you through it all.
  • Give thanks and give back. Sure, giving your loyal customers a discount is great but take it a step further by partnering with a local charity to set up a “giving day” where loyal customers can come in and get a discount or give their “discount” to the charity.
  • Get to know your readers. To reach your target market, you have to know who they are and what they’re looking for. To find out, incentivize your readers to complete a survey. In it, ask them not just about how you’re doing but also how they’re doing, how they’re using your service or your products, or even how they’re getting ready for the holiday season. Feedback from existing customers is priceless.

2: STAND OUT with Your Meaningful Stories

November seems like such a rush, because, although, we think about it as Thanksgiving month, but, if we're honest, Thanksgiving barely gets its proper recognition anymore because we are all rushing right into the winter holidays with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday.  

So - of course, go ahead and tell your clients and customers "Thanks" in your emails, but - what if you decide to stand out a bit? 

This year, go ahead and put a spotlight on  World Communication Week (Nov 1 -7) and use your platform on creating some genuine communication with your readers. You can go ahead and implement some Storytelling Marketing into your newsletter or blog.

 Choose a November holiday or two from the list above and create a blog post letting your community know what that holiday means to you, your life, and your business. Open that door to communication by sharing the story in your newsletter. Continue the conversation on your social media.

How to get started:
Choose a holiday that speaks to you.
Scribble down some thoughts on what stories you'd like to share with your readers.
Don't hesitate.  Do it now.  Stand out from the others by communicating with your stories.

Marketing  - It's really all about Showing UP.  

The more your audience sees you show up, the more they understand who you are, what you do, how you help people, how to utilize your services, and how to refer you to others, the more they can recognize you as the person to help them move forward - or how to recommend you to others.

This season - DO THE THINGS that will help you SHOW UP.

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