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Set Up Client Workflows with HoneyBook

systems video Dec 07, 2022

Ready to improve your processes? 
Ready to work more efficiently?
Ready to give your clients an even better experience?

Listen to this webinar featuring me and HoneyBook's Product Evangelist, Mac Hughes, to explore what's new at HoneyBook!

We'll help you identify steps in your unique client flow and dive into the new HoneyBook features that help you improve your processes.


What We Cover:

- How to identify your unique client flow

- How to improve your client flow

- What is HoneyBook?

- What are smart files

- Other high-level HoneyBook features

This recording is perfect for existing HoneyBook members and those who are hoping to learn more about what it can do for their business.

Grab your HoneyBook Trial: $1/month for 8 months

HoneyBook will set you up with someone to help you move your current processes over to their platform. 


What I love about HoneyBook:

- Onboarding new clients is streamlined.  Clients have commented on how organized the process is - and how they felt confident as they entered our professional relationship that they were in good hands.

- I keep track of networking and client conversations. 

- I use the "Task" key to schedule reminders and due dates for myself

- Creating proposals and contracts is soooooooo easy.

- Email templates save me HOURS each month.


Schedule a curiosity call with me to learn more about how I use Honeybook - or really - just to chat about systems and entrepreneurship:



       Grab your HoneyBook Trial: $1/month for 8 months



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