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Intuitive Eating & Whole Body Health :: Lisa Dahl

video Oct 15, 2020

Lisa Dahl
Lisa Dahl Wellness

Click on the image for full access to the interview.

In the top part of today's show, I offer insights on landing pages, lead generators, and how to make the most of them to grow your list, attract and nurture a larger audience that will, eventually, convert to clients. 


Entrepreneurship can be exhilarating and it can be exhausting. We show up as our best when we feel our best. 


Today's guest is Lisa Dahl of Lisa Dahl Wellness, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and Meal Planning Expert.

As you will hear, Lisa has a focus on Whole Body Health with emphasis on self-care and self-compassion.


My Takeaways:

1: There is a ripple effect of self-care.  How you take care of you - is how you will be able to touch others around you: your partner, your children, your clients.

2: Schedule some movement habits for each day - even if it's a 10-minute walk to the mailbox.  Going outside for those 10 minutes is an added bonus.  These short breaks will bring clarity and focus to the next set of tasks you are to take on. 

3: Community Community Community!


We also talked about shifting your mindset around body image and self-care. 

Lisa invites you to ditch the diet. She introduced us to the concept of Intuitive Eating.

As you will hear, Lisa has a focus on Whole Body Health with emphasis on self-care and self-compassion.


Resources mentioned in today’s show:

Lisa’s Membership: Whole Body Health Founding Membership


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