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Efficiency Is Key:: Dennise Kowalczyk

video Nov 19, 2020

Dennise Kowalczyk
CTD Creative

Click the image for the full interview.

Efficiency - We all aspire to get more done in our businesses.

It’s probably the one thing I hear most from service-based professionals, “I just don’t have enough time to get everything done that I need to”

So how?  

How can we figure out the tools, strategies, support that will get us to those high-efficiency goals?

In today’s conversation with Dennise Kowalcyk of CTD Creative, we share feedback on strategies that we use to help our clients...and ourselves... Save time, energy, and money by increasing their efficiency.



First, off this week, I’ll share my favorite tip for attracting, engaging, and nurturing new ideal clients using an email welcome series.  

I ask the question; “ If you had the opportunity to offer a service that could change a person’s life .... would you share with everyone you know?” 

Well, of course, you would.  So creating a generous resource that gives your ideal clients a taste of your depth of knowledge, your services - and your voice is a non-negotiable here. 

Create your “freebie” (lead magnet, lead generator, etc) to invite people to take that next step closer to you, and then, offer them a welcome email sequence that invites them to learn everything they need to know about the “W”s of working with you.  

Download my free workbook on this topic:



During our conversation, Dennise offered a bunch of great tips and resources to increase efficiency including:

  • A scheduler app such as Calendly.
  • Zoom for creating relationships
  • Google Drive for keeping clients’ folders organized


Learn more about Dennise - sign up for a virtual coffee chat or download her resources:


View more Conversations with Experts who Rise Above Noise


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