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Mastering Your Business Cash Flow :: Julia LoranEstes

video Nov 18, 2022

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The Rise Above Noise Community is revolutionizing how service professionals show up - in their marketing - to make a real difference in the world. Marketing is what helps your business grow.

Our only true currency in this life is our time and our energy. 

As we work at building our businesses, it’s of the utmost importance to practice efficiency and flow - to set up the systems that allow you to shine in your zone of genius, without sucking your precious time and energy.

Now - more than ever, our world needs our transformation creators to be successful in their ventures - to show up in service and make a real difference in our world.

This week, Julia LoranEstes, owner of Profit and Equity, LLC, offers our community the five steps to mastering your cash flow.

Julia has always been a numbers nerd. After a detour into healthcare, she found her way back to finance as a nurse and worked for ten years in various aspects of healthcare finance. After getting her MBA in Accounting - and finally figuring out what she wanted to be when she grew up, Julia started her profitability and bookkeeping firm to help businesses never fail due to cash flow! No one teaches us how to manage our money. Most people figure it out as they go and have a few tumbles a long the way.

Business owners only get one shot and there is very little room for financial mistakes.

Julia LoranEstes takes the guesswork out.

In today's spotlight, Julia helps us recognize that our business is "Our Baby".

She reminds us to MAKE HABITS.
Become mindful of our finances.
Know the health of our business.

She wants us to know what our income goal actually is? How many clients? How much new biz?
And to be clear - What are the benchmarks to get into the profit zone?

She tells us; Don't wait for the bank statement....Intentionally notice what you're spending your money on and document it.



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