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Unmasking AI for Heart-Driven Entrepreneurs :: RJ Redden

Season #1

As heart-driven entrepreneurs, now, more than ever, we need to find ways that we can continue to 'show up" (that's marketing, my friend) with consistency and generosity for those who we can support. It does no one any good to keep yourself a secret by avoiding marketing.

Alas, the struggle is real.

How can we create authentic, valuable content that spotlights our zone of genius without spending hours and hours coming up with the words?

We are all learning about the many aspects that AI (artificial intelligence) has to offer - when used correctly.

RJ Redden has been an early adopter of AI and is supporting heart-driven entrepreneurs to make the best use of AI to quickly create content (blogs, social media, email, etc) that speaks to their unique voice and supports their visibility for client attraction.


Here are some of the key takeaways from today's spotlight:


~~ What is your individual thumbprint? Embrace the difference. It helps you stand out

~~ If you have a business online....using other people's tools that are using AI is becoming commonplace. (I have already seen it on my most-used tools, Constant Contact, Honeybook, and....even on Gmail)

~~ ** Spend your energy and attention on things that matter. (serving clients fully)

~~ AI can help you create content that resonates and is memorable and connects with your audience.

~~ If it's not memorable - DON'T post/send.     Stand Out!



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