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Multiply Your Impact With Video :: Neil K. Carroll

Season #1

Many of you who have been listening to me over the years have heard me offer the one tip I feel is THE MOST VALUABLE practice as you create your digital marketing strategies that will allow you to grow your visibility with more flow and ease.  It’s this…. ANSWER THEIR QUESTIONS!  Everyone on the internet is searching for an answer to something.  If YOU have the answer - SHARE IT.  Let them find YOU. 

In today’s conversation, Neil Carroll of VidWheel, shares some resources and his special slant on using video and faqs to show up for the people who are already searching for what you have to offer. 

I think you will really enjoy this conversation.


Power Play: Using video content that answers questions for your audience is the most impactful thing that you can do. It’s a really impactful thing when it comes to building that know, like, trust factor. It shows that you're an expert in your field.

Multiply Yourself: When you create thoughtful videos to be viewed with a click, you're essentially multiplying yourself. You can be in multiple places at once. Your ideal client can, therefore, more easily find you, especially if you're saying the right things. It's all about using the right language, saying the right things, and making yourself available so that people can meet you and consume your content when it's good for them.

Video can get you across the world:
The biggest thing is, if you're a solopreneur, or smaller business, we have again, gone through one of those inflection points in history where you're on a much more level playing field than you were just a few years ago, when it comes to being competitive with bigger businesses out there. So don't fritter it away. Get in there and utilize it. 

You can see how our Rise Above Noise community is revolutionizing how service professionals show up - in their marketing - to make a real difference in the world.

Marketing is what helps your business grow.

Now - more than ever, our world needs our transformation creators to be successful in their ventures - to show up in service and make a real difference in our world.

The Rise Above Noise community is filled with business owners and support providers of every kind.  When you are searching for just the right person to help you scale, you are sure to find that person in our community.  

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Neil K. Carroll

vidwheel LLC

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