Don't hate me.... but, it's true.
Can you feel it? A slight change in the air. A crispness that you don’t remember being there a few days ago. Or maybe a shift in smells and sounds around you?
It’s true. Autumn is coming. The first day of fall is September 22nd and it’s time to start talking about the holidays. Okay, maybe not all of the holidays — that’s for a different post.
For now....let's recognize this shift in energy - in the weather, as well as in your business momentum. If you're like most of us, you're ready to get back to business and focus on how to get more clients.
You may already know that it takes at least 6 - 8 touches before a prospect takes action with you. Let's get you growing by nurturing your relationships with your potential and your existing clients. Here are some content ideas for the coming month.
October Awareness Themes
Other fun holidays and celebrations:
More ideas for your October marketing:
Take advantage of Google posts to announce fall events and updates. Your Google Business Profile not only shows your contact and business information to customers and potential customers, but it also provides an opportunity to share valuable information or updates that can help you win new business. One way to do this is by using Google posts. Google posts show directly on your Google Business Profile and give you a way to communicate with searchers about updates, events, promotions, products, and more. (View: How to Create a Google Business Profile)
The third full week in October ushers in National Business Women’s Week each year. The observance focuses on the accomplishments of women in business. It also takes a look at the past and how far women in business have come and how far they have yet to go. Every year, women in the workforce take on stronger, more empowering roles. They run their own businesses, take charge of the boardroom, and build upon last year’s successes.
Recognize the women in business who you admire. Give them a shout-out on social media. Are they entrepreneurs, innovators, creators? How have they impacted your career?
Share the ways you’re reducing stress during Emotional Wellness Month. Whether it’s setting a budget, offloading things from your point, taking more time for things that bring you joy, you can even have a questions sticker in your Instagram and Facebook posts and stories asking your audience how they manage stress, then share the results!
Marketing - It's really all about Showing UP.
The more your audience sees you show up, the more they understand who you are, what you do, how you help people, how to utilize your services, and how to refer you to others, the more they can recognize you as the person to help them move forward - or how to recommend you to others.
This season - DO THE THINGS that will help you SHOW UP.
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