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December Marketing and Holiday Planning

Uncategorized Nov 28, 2022

We are well into a busy holiday season. Expect online shopping to be stronger than ever this year. While this can be an exciting time with record sales or donations, it is important to remember that the new year is right around the corner.

Now is the time to start planning for an even more successful year ahead!

 Let's get you growing by nurturing your relationships with your potential and your existing clients. 

To help maximize your results during the holiday season, you can start engaging with your audience through email marketing TODAY!

Here are some content ideas for the coming month.


December Awareness Themes

  • Read a New Book Month
  • Spiritual Literacy Month
  • Seasonal Depression Awareness Month
  • Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Stress-Free Family Holiday Month
  • Universal Human Rights Month
  • Write a Friend Month
  • National Write a Business Plan Month
  • Procrastination Awareness Month
  • Root Vegetables Month

Other fun holidays and celebrations (other than the big ones):

  • 1: World AIDS Day
  • 3: Let's Hug Day
  • 5: International Volunteer Day
  • 7: Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
  • 10: Human Rights Day
  • 12: National Ugly Sweater Day
  • 14: National Energy Conservation Day
  • 16: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
  • 21: Winter Solstice
  • 26: National Thank You Note Day
  • 28: National Card Playing Day

More thoughts about December marketing:

~~ Everyone loves food. 
Be a reliable resource of all things yummy for your audience by:

  • Sharing your favorite recipe and a story about it in a blog post, then describe the article or highlight an excerpt in your newsletter and provide a clickable link for people to go to your blog and get the whole story along with the recipe.
  • Create a fun survey asking your readers if they’re going to stick to the tried and true this year or try something new.
  • Start a recipe swap on social media and invite your readers to join in the fun. Better yet, partner with a local charity and make it a fundraiser where people can donate $1 to vote on their favorite recipe. Ensure lots of participants by providing the owner of the winning recipe with a prize of their own.

 ~~ National Thank You Note Day

  • Send a goodwill message to your contacts to thank them for being loyal customers and supporting your small business this year. Express your appreciation to them for being a part of your community and for supporting you this year by emailing an exclusive offer. 

 ~~ Share Your "Top 10" List

  • Resources
  • Quotes
  • Books
  • Tips
  • Really, anything that speaks to you and aligns with your clients.

~~ Gather inteland content to help your biz grow in 2023 

  • Create a survey for past and current clients to help you find out what their struggles, experiences, successes they've had within your area of expertise


  • Set up a calendar to invite past and current clients to schedule time with you to give you feedback on their experience with you and how you might be able to support more people just like them. 
    [Bonus Points: Consider recording this discussion - you will be able to transcribe to use their language in your marketing AND may even get a great testimonial to share in your marketing.}

Marketing  - It's really all about Showing UP.  

The more your audience sees you show up, the more they understand who you are, what you do, how you help people, how to utilize your services, and how to refer you to others, the more they can recognize you as the person to help them move forward - or how to recommend you to others.

This season - DO THE THINGS that will help you SHOW UP.


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