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Strength in Community

For the most part, I am a solopreneur.

On the other hand, I rely on a number of people in my life who have become my ‘board of directors’ of sorts.  Through various accountability and collaborative groups that I’ve participated in over the years, I’ve strengthened friendships, made measurable progress towards goals, and continue to grow thanks to the support I’ve received.

What are the benefits of a consistent accountability/mastermind group?

Mutual support. Even if each member enters the group with a differing goal, she’ll able to lean on the others for support.  I have found that, if I am struggling with a particular aspect of my business, the members of my accountability group have been my go-to. They’re the only people who really understand what has been going on behind the scenes, and so, have been able to give me support and a different perspective in order to guide me to a solution.

Differing perspectives.  This is so powerful! A collaborative group will give you feedback from other people who are trying to build a business. They offer special insight and a mindset that is hard to find in day-to-day encounters. The like-minded entrepreneurs in your dedicated mastermind will tell you what’s wrong or right about your ideas with no bias. They are not your customers, nor are they your competitors. Listening to the different viewpoints pushes me to see elements I might not otherwise have become aware of in my approach to my goals.  I may or may not agree with their point of view, but I am grateful for the slant and how I might use it to improve my approach.

Resources.  Variety truly is the spice of life. Everyone in the group brings a different skill set to the table. They also bring along their own network of people. This is so valuable! Knowing that you can ask for help from the group and pull from the members’ own resources helps immensely to make progress in ways I never could alone.

Accountability.  This, my friends, is the key. Group members hold us accountable to the goals we set each month.

  • Short Term – one week
  • Mid Term – one month
  • Long Term – 6 months or more

And – like magic –  just knowing that I have a regularly scheduled meeting drives me to get stuff done! 

You can be sure that I don’t want to be the only person reporting back that I haven’t made any progress on my goals.

Since I am a solopreneur, I find that I look forward to – really, I crave – the camaraderie, exchange of ideas, incentive to perform, and the relationships inherent in an accountability group.

Are you curious about whether an accountability/mastermind circle might be for you?

Wondering what it might look like to create your 'next project' with a virtual board of directors?

Schedule your exploratory call with me


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