All too often, business owners are throwing minutes and hours at the wall -posting - posting- posting.

But - guess what?

People think that posting is enough - and then wonder why their posts get no engagement.

It's because - they aren't giving any engagement!

In this fun-filled and informative webinar, you will learn:

- Engagement helps boost your brand presence on social media
- Engagement helps build your community on social media
- Engagement shows your audience that you take the time to view and appreciate their content
- Engagement starts conversations and helps your audience to know the person behind the brand
- Engagement is your top resource for converting connections to email subscribers and clients.


Your Presenters

Susan Finn

Digital Marketing Strategist
Rise Above Noise

Susan guides service based professionals to get more clients by 'showing up' (that's marketing, after all). Business owners show up with ease and flow to grow their business past 'word of mouth'. She believes that marketing with a sharing mindset allows you to follow the plan in a way that feels natural and generous. The Rise Above Noise Signature System© allows you to show up for those who are already searching for you.

"When you're an entrepreneur, starting your venture, you're trying desperately to scale up your little business. Nobody offers you nurturing. Right? So what Susan does is to deeply listen to you & what you're trying to do. She asks incredibly insightful questions & matches you to a solution. Then, you can move forward with confidence & ease.
Liana Cassar, Care Economy Strategy & Operations Consultant 

Tara Ostromecky

Founder & CEO
Makin' It Marketing

Tara Ostromecky is a Gen Z entrepreneur that is passionate about helping business owners and entrepreneurs reach their vision of success.

She started Makin' It Marketing, a creative marketing firm, in 2020 and graduated with a BSBA from Nichols College in 2022.

Outside of running her business, she loves to travel, hike & practice yoga.

"Makin' It Marketing did a fantastic job on our logo, website, and social media. They were always on time, professional and their work has been top notch."
-Dr. Brian Abraham, Co-Founder of AlgaeMetrics